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Looking to learn R and how modern statistical methods are used in insurance?Book_Mockup_RforAct-hs

This book is for you!

R for Actuaries and Data Scientists with Applications to Insurance

by Brian A. Fannin, ACAS, CSPA

There are books on R and books on modern statistical methods, but very few books on both, and fewer still that are accessible to the newcomer and focused on actuarial applications. R for Actuaries and Data Scientists is designed to fill this void.

Written in a light, conversational style, this book will show you how to install and get up to speed with R in no time. It will also give you an overview of the key modeling techniques in modern data science including generalized linear models, decision trees, and random forests, and illustrate the use of these techniques with real datasets from insurance.

Engaging and at times funny, this book will be valuable for both newcomers to R and experienced practitioners who would like a better understanding of how R can be applied in insurance.

What R users are saying about R for Actuaries:

"You'll laugh. You may even cry. But, you'll love reading and learning from this book. And you'll come away with a solid foundation in R that you can use at work right away."
-Adam L. Rich, FCAS

"I consider this book a great resource both for actuaries who are new to R and those who, like me, have been using R for a while. It contains key items that make a book useful to a practictioner: data (open source), examples so I can learn by applying the techniques myself, and code to check my answers against."
-Louise Francis, FCAS, CSPA, MAAA

Print - $59  |  Digital - $54  |  Print + Digital Bundle - $88
(Textbook comes with digital-only solutions manual)

ABOUT THE AUTHORBrianFanninHeadshot

Brian Fannin is a staff actuary at the Casualty Actuarial Society. He has given numerous seminars on R and written several software packages for R including MRMR, represtools, and imaginator. Prior to joining the CAS, Brian worked for several insurance companies in the US and Europe. In 2017, he founded PirateGrunt LLC, a consultancy which provides actuarial and predictive modeling services, as well as R training.

Learn more about Brian Fannin at or